Healing Circles Fundamentals Course

User Agreement

This User Agreement (“Agreement”) is made between you (“Participant”) and Healing Circles Global (“Organization”) regarding your participation in the Healing Circles Fundamentals course (“Fundamentals”). By engaging in the Fundamentals, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

1. Purpose of the Healing Circles Fundamentals course

The purpose of the Healing Circles Fundamentals course is for foundational knowledge of the essentials: basic format, roles, and agreements for personal growth and development. Upon successful completion of the Healing Circles Fundamentals, you will possess the basic knowledge and skills needed to engage in the healing circles process.

Completion of the Healing Circles Fundamentals course does not confer any certification or authorization to identify Participant as a “Healing Circles Trainer” or “Facilitator.”  Participants may identify Healing Circles Global (the Organization) as a resource used in developing their independent capacity to engage in hosting such circles but may not identify their subsequent work as “Healing Circles Global” activities.

2. Healing Circles Branding – Limitations and Non-Commercial Use

Logo & Materials:  Completion of the Healing Circles Fundamentals course does not authorize the use or duplication of the Healing Circles logo and/or materials. Participants acknowledge and agree to refrain from promoting themselves or identifying as a Healing Circles “Facilitator” or “Trainer” and further will refrain from using the logo of Healing Circles Global for any purpose, unless authorized to do so, as indicated herein.  Participants who successfully complete the training can refer to Healing Circles Global as one of their resources in developing the skills to provide circle experiences.

  • In limited cases, a written request for authorization to use materials may be permitted.  Review is done on a case-by-case basis and the request should be submitted to review@healingcirclesglobal.org at least 30 days in advance of any planned use.
  • Non-Commercial Use: All materials, teachings, or resources provided in the Fundamentals Course are protected under the Creative Commons License  No fee, charge, or other compensation is permitted in connection with the use of Healing Circles training material and methodology.

No Claim of Ownership: Completion of Healing Circles Training, does not confer ownership interest in any part of the Healing Circles Global methodology, materials, or brand. All methodology, training materials, and other related content, remain the property of Healing Circles Global.

3. Confidentiality and Respect for Participants

  • Confidentiality: You agree to maintain confidentiality regarding any personal information or experiences shared by participants during the Training or in any future Healing Circles Global circles you facilitate.
  • Respect for the Healing Process: You agree to uphold the values of Healing Circles—kindness, respect, compassion, and integrity—when engaging in any circle process

4. Creative Commons License

The Creative Commons license protects Healing Circles materials – including handouts, worksheets, scripts, blogs and presentations, from duplication without attribution and authorization. Materials were developed for non-commercial use, only.  The following conditions apply:

  • Attribution: You are required to give proper credit to the creator of the materials. This means that you will attribute the original source of the work when using or sharing the materials.
  • Non-Commercial Use:  You may not use the materials to promote products, services, or any commercial activities.
  • No Derivatives: You may not alter, transform, or build upon the materials for commercial purposes unless explicitly authorized in writing by Healing Circles.

5. Hold Harmless provision

Healing Circles Global hosts and guardians are independent circle organizers. Their statements, opinions, and impressions are their own and do not represent the views of Healing Circles Global or Commonweal.  Participants acknowledge and agree to hold harmless both Healing Circles Global and Commonweal, meaning neither shall be held liable for any claims, damages, or losses incurred during or after your participation in the Healing Circles Training or in any circles hosted by Healing Circles Global. Further, you agree to indemnify Healing Circles Global and Commonweal from any claims or actions arising from your use of the training materials or facilitation of Healing Circles Global processes.

6. Termination of Agreement

Healing Circles Global reserves the right to revoke access to training materials or terminate your right to engage in any future Healing Circles Global activities if you violate any of the provisions or terms set forth in this Agreement.  Upon revocation, you agree to cease and desist using the Healing Circles Global materials, name, and brand.

7. Acknowledgment and Acceptance

By participating in the Healing Circles Global Training Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms of participation under this User Agreement.